Working Abroadは海外求人専門の転職情報サイトです。




人材紹介 SignIT株式会社

オフィス所在地 東京都渋谷区 (JR渋谷駅徒歩10分、代々木公園駅・代々木八幡駅徒歩5分)
Shibuya, Tokyo (10 minutes walk from Shibuya station)
得意なサービス SignIT株式会社はプログラマー転職のプロ集団です。





SignIT is a newly established company with a strong passion of technology, with the aim to activate the IT industry in Japan.
We operate under the belief that all of our programmers will develop and grow their career.
We'll add value to your job search by-
1. Finding out the chemistry between our candidates and clients (all of the companies we introduce are carefully chosen by meeting the hiring managers in person)
2. Providing advice on how to write a eye catching technical resume
3. Giving full preparation before your interviews
4. Negotiating your salary on your behalf

We hope to give you all a life term long support and relationship with every candidate.
得意な業界 東京都内のITプログラマーに関する全てのポジション
All large to midsize and start ups companies in Tokyo seeking for programmers
得意な専門職種 - Webエンジニア 
- Web デザイナー
- iOS/Android エンジニア
- プロジェクトマネージャー
- プロダクトマネージャー
転職紹介実績 事例1
転職前:モバイルゲーム会社/プロジェクトマネージャー (700万)
転職後:業務用管理システム会社/プロジェクトマネージャー (900万)

転職前: モバイルアプリ下請け会社/iOSプログラマー (480万)
転職後:大手外資系モバイルアプリ開発会社/iOSプログラマー (620万)

転職前: 無職(前職400万)
転職後:大手ミドルウェア開発会社/サーバーサイドプログラマー (620万)
コンサルタント紹介 バイリンガルを強みに日系、外資系共に幅広い企業を知り尽くし、企業の特徴・面接突破方法・目立つ経歴書の書き方と各分野のプロ集団が集結。あなたの転職を最後まで最大限にサポートします。
登録者に連絡するタイミング 3日以内にはご連絡をさせて頂きます。


吉國 さち

Sachi Yoshikuni
Graduated 2010 from Aoyama Gakuin University.
My passion for face to face communication and developing skills in the consulting field led to my first job at a headhunting company Euro Search Japan. Later on I became a sales manager at major global recruitment company, Robert Walters. I led the IT contract development team, solely dedicated to consulting web engineer and creative talent mainly in the technology sector. In 2013, I was awarded the“Best Partner Award” for the contribution to business expansion and establishing the IT team at a fast growing global software company. I successfully introduced more than 200 engineers to multiple companies during a five year period – CTO level, front & back end developers, mobile (iOS & Android) engineers, UI/UX designers, growth hackers and many more. I founded SignIT, Inc. in January 2016, and became Founder /CEO. Along with two Shiba Inu dogs, I run a pet friendly office in Shibuya. We are passionate to connect great engineers to the most innovative companies in the world!


近藤 麻美

Mami Kondo
Graduated 2010 from Aoyama Gakuin University
Former supervisor and a consultant assisting English teachers in Japan, managing 60 schools with over 1000 students at the leading educational company in Japan. After being engaged in the industry for 6 years, made a dynamic transition in her career to join SignIT as a Community Manager. Using her consulting and bilingual skills, she is excited to assist the passionate engineers worldwide to help build their career paths in Japan.


福崎 由記子
札幌、カナダ・バンクーバー、東京にて大手外資銀行証券やIT企業などを経て、人材紹介会社でセールスサポートへ。これまで約18,000枚の職務経歴書を編集してきた経験を活かし、書類選考を通過させるための"目立つ職務経歴書"の作成に定評がある。2013年、大手外資系人材紹介会社ロバートウォルターズ株式会社の事業に最も貢献したとし、「Admin of the Year」を受賞。2016年、SignIT株式会社にコミュニティーマネージャーとして就任。1人でも多くの書類選考通過を目指し、職務経歴書作成の専門家。

Yukiko Fukuzaki
Working in Sapporo, Canada and Tokyo expanding her career from major security company to the IT industry, then to a top recruiting company worldwide as a sales assistant. She has received an “Admin or the Year” in 2013, having the experience of reviewing 18,000 candidateʼs profile. Now she has joined SignIT in 2016 as a community manager being an expert in giving hints in making an eye-catching resume.  





