Working Abroadは海外求人専門の転職情報サイトです。




■事業内容 / Company Profile
- ダメージカーのリユース、リサイクル事業
- 建機・フォークリフト・自動車・トラックのパーツ・オイルの買い取り、販売、輸出
- Damaged car reuse and recycling business
- Buying, selling and exporting parts and oil for construction equipment, forklifts, cars and trucks.

■企業PR / Company PR

Do you know what happens to a damaged car after an accident? It is our job to connect you with the ‘beyond’.
Tau Corporation is a company specialising in the business of damaged cars.
Damaged cars are delivered to us and then to our customers in Japan and more than 125 countries around the world, where they are used again for various purposes, such as cars and parts.
By delivering cars that would normally be unusable to people who can use them, we contribute to the future of Japan while utilising limited resources.

■募集職種 / Open Positions
●職種 / Positions
内勤営業(法人向け)/ Internal sales (BtoB)

●仕事内容 / Job Description

The internal sales person recruited for this position is responsible for finding a buyer for the more than 300 damaged cars that arrive daily, targeting automobile-related companies that already have business with the company.
1.Proposing commercial products to existing customers
You propose cars that have arrived at our company to customers with whom we already have business relations. Also check the status and other needs of customers who have purchased a damaged car from us in the past, but have not had a recent transaction with us.
2.Payment and handover
Respond to enquiries regarding payment confirmation and handover of products purchased via the company's e-commerce site.
3.Respond to enquiries from customers who have purchased a car.
You also respond to customer enquiries and comments such as ‘The car I bought is not what I expected! We also respond to opinions such as ‘The car I bought is different from what I expected!

●待遇 / Salary
年収400万円~600万円 / 4-6 million per annum.

●応募条件 / Qualifications
日本語:ビジネス会話(N2)レベル以上 / Japanese: Business conversation (N2) level or above
英語:ビジネス会話(TOEIC735点)レベル以上 / English: Business conversation (TOEIC 735) level or above
自動車の運転経験 / Experience of driving

■ 企業基本情報

設立 1997 従業員数 497
住所 埼玉県さいたま市中央区新都心11-2 LAタワー10F Email
TEL 048-601-0833 URL http://www.tau.co.jp/

※ 上記募集職種への応募は全てこちらからです。