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A great opportunity to be a part of the development of a Global Search Engine Platform!

トップメッセージAiming to become the Google of Enterprise Search.

Although Google is widely available as a free search engine, there are millions of enterprises that are in need of their own customized solution.  The reason is that the information that can be searched with Google is limited to public web pages. Meanwhile, companies hold and manage much more private data than data that they make public. In order to search the this private data, a search engine specifically developed for their needs is a must have.

RONDHUIT has been providing consulting services for enterprises that need to install open source search engine software such as Apache Lucene/Solr. However, RONDHUIT has made the decision to shift their business from consulting to a cloud search engine platform provider. Thus RONDHUIT is currently seeking developers to join the very early stage of the project to help bring their vision to fruition-- the creation of a search engine platform that aims to become the "Google of private data." Once this vision is realized, enterprises, institutions, and individuals all over the world will be able to use a quality search engine like Google for their private data at a very low cost.

We believe joining the development team for this project will prove to be very fulfilling for software developers. At RONDHUIT, developers are able to face exciting and stimulating challenges and achieve new heights in their technical ability everyday.

取材者の目Interviewing RONDHUIT's Employees

Daijob: What kind of company is RONDHUIT? What are you proud of? 

: I think you get a pretty good idea about what we do as a company by reading the summary on top of this page :). Business aside, I think what sets RONDHUIT apart from other companies is the freedom and flexibility it provides its employees. We are free to explore developing tools and technologies and propose their implementation on our projects; being a small company, your work and ideas have a greater impact on the company’s products. 

[Kimmy]: I agree with you. In RONDHUIT, your ideas are respected and appreciated. Even though I am the newest member in the team, I am still able to express my ideas freely, and I feel very proud to contribute to our work. 

[Kamu] : I know what you mean. In addition to having many responsibilities and a big impact on the business, there is also very smooth communication and mutual understanding between the engineering team and management, since the founder and CEO, being an Apache member and committer/pmc member of several project, is also a very capable engineer at the global level and understands a lot of the challenges engineers have. Because of this, the company values technical ability, and encourages employees to better their skills. 

[Elpo]: Now that you mention that Sekiguchi san is a committer, I can say I am proud of having the chance to work with, and have my contributions being appreciated by someone I consider to be really talented. 


Daijob: How would you describe the environment at RONDHUIT? 

: I feel before joining RONDHUIT I was living the life of a salaryman rather than a software engineer. I had to wear a suit and tie everyday, even though I didn’t have direct contact with clients, among other aspects that I didn’t really enjoy working at a typical Japanese company. After joining RONDHUIT I’ve come to appreciate its relaxed work environment: We have flexible work hours, no dress code, it easy to apply (and get) your corresponding paid leave... 

[Kamu] : Yes, it is very relaxed, but I think that everyone else is also very focused on getting work done. It’s a good balance! 

[Kimmy] : On top of that, our office has an open and welcoming space instead of working in separate cubicles. I think it also helps us to be able to have an open discussion anytime with other team members. 

[Elpo]: Yeah, everyone in the company is really good at what they do, and they are willing to lend you a hand whenever you’re struggling with a difficult task. 


Daijob: Could you please briefly tell us about your current work? What makes your job feel worthwhile? 
[Elpo] : The most motivating part of my job is that I believe the product we are expecting to launch by the end of the year / early 2021 is something that will make the life of engineers working in the enterprise search field a lot easier. It is quite an ambitious project, and I am really excited to be a part of the developing team that will see it to fruition. 

[Kimmy] : As we are in the planning phase with our new service, our team constantly communicates with each other and comes up with ideas for improvements to make our project better. Also, as a team member, enhancing the ability to overcome future challenges as well as broadening the options available keeps me motivated towards learning new things and modern technologies. 

[Kamu]: The most motivating part of my job is the ability to influence the development of the large-scale social, intelligent search platform that we are working on. Because I am able to make major decisions that affect this ambitious project, I am also motivated to impact the eventual users of the platform in a meaningful way. 

Team Building Activities in 2020

Daijob:What kind of people would you like to join your company? 

[Kamu] : People who are self-motivated and eager to learn new things. Someone who can work on their own, but also is a team player! 

[Kimmy]: I enjoy working with people who are positive, take accountability for their work, and can take care of their tasks without needing much direction. 

[Elpo] : I also appreciate people who can think outside the box. It is good to have someone who can offer a different point of view to an issue you thought had only one answer. Diversity is where it is at :). 

Daijob: Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to the candidates? 

[Kimmy]: I would say if you are a person who loves learning new things, welcomes challenges, and enjoys working in a diverse environment, please give RONDHUIT a try. :) 

[Kamu] : Since RONDHUIT's engineers are very talented and eager to learn new things and increase their technical abilities, it is a great place to grow as an engineer. 

[Elpo] : RONDHUIT it’s a chill place to work at. People don’t take themselves too seriously, but it’s full of super-talented individuals. I’d say give it a try. You’ll like it!. Take the coding challenge, and may the odds ever be in your favor. 

Due to business expansion, from March 12, 2018, RONDHUIT Co., Ltd. moved its office to the 4th floor of Kanda EAST 28-1 Kanda Higashi Konyacho, Chiyoda-ku.

We are looking forward to meet you in our new office!

教育・研修Continuing Education and International Conference Attendance


As members of RONDHUIT, our employees can attend the training courses originally intended for our clients free of cost.  This gives our team members the opportunity to further increase their skills in Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning and Search Engine Software Implementations. 

International Conferences

Besides in-house training, our employees also have the opportunity to participate in workshops and attend international conferences such as ACTIVATE, SIGIR and the Spark + AI Summmit. Our engineers join the brightest minds in information retrieval, AI, and data science to deepen their knowledge in current technologies and learn how to deliver cutting-edge solutions.

ココが自慢Team Building Through Company Events!

The company's name "RONDHUIT" comes from taking the characters maru (丸) and hachi (八) from maruhachi-dori, a street close to our CEO's home, translating them into French, and putting them back together.  (丸=ROND、八=HUIT).

Once a year, we hold a company-wide event called "Maru-hachi day" with the purpose of boosting our employee's morale and strengthen the team's bonds. In 2019 we visited the Izu Peninsula!

Monthly Lunch Events

Every month a team member is in charge of arranging an all-hands lunch meeting. This company-sponsored event gives our members not only the opportunity to visit top-quality restaurants, but also a communication channel to express their concerns and ideas to the higher-ups. 

RONDHUIT is all about team building!


株式会社 ロンウイット/RONDHUIT Co., Ltd.


