■事業内容 / Company Profile
・顧客満足度: Google口コミ 2,089件、平均評価4.8/5を獲得
・従業員満足度: 従業員数173名で退職率は0.9%
Jstyleは、夢を目指す上で重要な原動力となる“主体性”・“社会性”・“問題解決能力”・“語学力”・“人脈” この5つの学びを得るための最適な環境を創ることができる、留学事業を軸に創業しました。 企業理念から取ったサービス名、 それが “夢カナ留学” です。
・Biggest Name in the Study Abroad Industry
・Customer Satisfaction: 2,089 Google reviews with an average rating of 4.8/5
・Sales and Profits have both been increasing for 7 consecutive years
・Employee Satisfaction: 173 employees with a resignation rate of only 0.9%
Take the first step to make your dreams come true.
Jstyle was founded as a study abroad agency with the optimum environment for achieving our 5 driving principles: "Personal Responsibility," "Social Skills," "Problem-Solving Skills," "Language Skills," and "Networking." The name of our service, "YUME-KANA Study Abroad," is taken from this corporate philosophy.
We provide a wide range of support: starting from pre-study abroad preparation (English education, documentation) we continue to follow-up continuously during the trip, and even provide post-study career consultation after our customers return to Japan.
All of our employees consistently strive to make an impact and broaden their own worldviews to successfully make the dreams of each and every customer come true.
■企業PR / Company PR
We currently have 173 staff from over 35 countries. We offer a warm and casual atmosphere that allows our employees to comfortably work together, regardless of their age or career level. We strive to maintain an atmosphere of respect for every member of our diverse and steadily expanding team.
We are eagerly awaiting those who can see themselves fitting into our inclusive, passion-driven environment!
■職種・仕事内容 / Job Descriptions
<留学事務 / Study Abroad Admin>
Responsible for visa applications, BtoB communication with our overseas partners, research, and more.
<英語講師 / English Teacher>
Provide English conversation lessons to adult students who plan to study or work abroad (working holiday)
<講師の育成管理 / Quality Management>
Manage student motivation and ensure the quality of our English lesson services.
<留学コンサルタント / Study Abroad Consultants>
Deliver order-made study abroad plans based around the individual dreams of our customers to those considering going overseas.
<顧客管理業務 / Customer Relationship Management>
Provide long-term, comprehensive support for customers from the moment they sign a contract to their return to Japan from abroad.
■応募条件 / Qualifications
Required language level and skills vary by positions. Visit our booth for further details at the Daijob Career Fair!
設立 | 2016 | 従業員数 | 173 |
住所 | 東京都新宿区新宿6ー27ー30 新宿イーストサイドスクエアEastオフィス11F | ||
TEL | URL | https://jstyle.yume-kana.com/ |
※ 上記募集職種への応募は全てこちらからです。